Immersive Interactive Installation✨

Presented in 11 Baimazhuang St, Hangzhou

Arduino Kit, Led, Mosses,Fabric, Pins, Sponges,PVC Pipe, Adobe Creative Suite

My spine is not healthy. As a result of the lack of attention to sitting posture in my teenage years, being absorbed in heavy academic studies, and the neglect of the disease both personally and socially, my spine presented an "S" curve.Because of this, more and more young people are suffering from scoliosis. It has become one of the three hot issues in adolescent health.

These abnormal bends cannot be reversed, and with the passage of time, they drive the nerves and embedded structures, involve all parts of the body, and the nerves, internal organs and entanglements are disturbed and misplaced.

By distorting the closely fitting dodecagonal stone as the image of the spine, the tiny immortal moss and plants erode the stone a little bit, which is the implied meaning that the disease is irreparable and will only grow stronger. The en- tanglement of red blood vessels and light, from soft to harsh sound, marks the priority of the impact of the disease on the body, and shows the disease that quietly occurs but can make people collapse.

I'm really afraid of scoliosis aggravation. I'm worried that it can't be cured, and I regret my previous ignorance and lack of attention. At the same time, I hope that through artistic expression, the terrible part of this disease can be dis- played, so as to attract more attention and take a warning.

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