Immersive Interactive Installation✨

Presented in Parsons Design & Technology Thesis show, New York

Touchdesigner, Arduino, Physical computing,
Adobe Creative Suite, Projection Mapping

The Nook is an immersive exploration of unconventional and associative thinking.

Mundane objects from my room become portals to different times and spaces, sharing with the viewer some of the associative connections that fascinate me.

It consists of six parts in total and presents as a circle.

The work draws on the Chinese metaphysical concept of Wai Ying and the Western idea of environmental cognition, and is intended to stimulate the viewer’s curiosity and encourage a deeper understanding of the complexity of personal perception.

Most of the furniture in the installation was transparent, for the exact shape of the object I couldn’t visualize it perfectly, and the way different pieces of furniture looked in my mind shifted as time passed.

In the transparent frame, its appearance is variable.

I always make choices based on the present environment, so I naturally rely on intuition and imagination that jumps ahead of systematic thinking to connect different things and environments together.

I believe that many of the seemingly “meaningless” things or connections I often feel are little gifts from the world.

❶ The walls are overlaid with as many interactive videos of the room’s windows as I’ve been able to find.

❷ The fragile eggs that follow the swivel chair on the old TV.

❸ Visions of flushing in the trash can & unsolved chemical equations.

❹ Drawings from friends in the fishbowl.

❺ Eavesdrop on unintelligible phone calls.

❻ Plants that must be in the room because of superstition.

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