Interactive Installation✨

Presented 2nd Zhejiang International Youth Art Festival, Hangzhou

Unity, Cinema 4D,leap motion, Kinect sensor, Adobe Creative Suite

This is a project about unhealthy spines. Prolonged improper posture can cause the spine to twist abnormally, called scoliosis.
These abnormal bends cannot be reversed, and with the passage of time, they drive the nerves and embedded struc- tures, involve all parts of the body, and the nerves, internal organs and entanglements are disturbed and misplaced.

UNBALANCE is two interactive installations made through direct physical interaction, using Kinect sensor and leap motion.

In the first one, I modified the body structure of the plaster Venus sculpture by talking about the curvature of her spine. When the viewer interacts with it, the viewer's body is projected directly onto Venus, but shown as having an unhealthy spine. And the plaster statue breaks and withers.

The second is a direct representation of the compression and destruction of internal organs caused by scoliosis, where the spine is rattled by hand and the state of the internal organs is observed.
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